
梅奥大学医院博客系列 - 伊莱恩的故事

Elaine Fallon - Saolta大学医疗小组领先 - 员工订婚和福祉

Elaine Fallon Saolta员工订婚领先

我在梅奥大学医院推出了员工表彰奖,我赶上了Elaine,我向她询问了她在Saolta大学医疗小组中的新作用。Elaine previously worked in the National Quality Improvement Division and is enjoying her new role as the Saolta University Health Care Group Lead – Staff Engagement & Wellbeing, focusing on Staff Engagement in the Saolta Group, with particular emphasis on ‘Dignity at Work’, the ‘Work Positive’ agenda and of course engaging with staff in all services.


Elaine自2017年以来一直与梅奥大学医院的员工合作,主要作为其患者和家庭参与委员会的成员,而且自2018年以来,作为梅奥员工参与论坛的资源。她很高兴地支持梅奥医院的工作人员参与团队,并参加他们的发射日。She said that “the Mayo Staff Engagement Forum established a set of values that resonates with all the staff in Mayo General Hospital and I believe at the heart of that is their campaign ‘what matters to us’ and their 8 identified values, one of which is being mindful of how our words and actions affect others. I have met wonderful staff here today and can see the commitment by all the members in progressing the Staff Engagement agenda. I would also like to mention the great support given by the Hospital General Manager, Catherine Donohue and A/HR Manager Bernadine McGlade.”
